Tree Plantation & Adoption Drive
On 23rd February, 2021, our school had taken part in the tree plantation and adoption programme to pay a tribute to Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj on his birth anniversary.
The program started with a floral welcome to our chief guest Mr. Nemai Chand Shaw [Zonal in-charge cum CMC member] with other respected dignitaries. An opening song was sung by our respected teachers to honour this holy eve. A motivational speech was delivered by our chief guest to inspire our students for planting and adopting trees to develop a clean and green environment.
On this auspicious occasion a number of trees were planted in our school campus. Each of them was adopted by our school and management staff. A play was conducted by our dear students to establish the importance of trees for our environment. We also remembered our beloved Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj and his thoughts towards love, affection and co-operation among mankind and environment.